PAYA MENGOREKSI ARAH KIBLAT (Sebuah Tawaran Materi Diklat Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian)
Oleh Efa Ainul Falah* Abstract The Qibla direction is very important to know before someone performing prayer. It is becouse aiming to Qibla is one of conditions that should be fulfilled by moslem as long as possible he can do it. Every moslem knows this regulation as writen in Islamic law, but the effort to decide the Qibla direction is not done perfectly. Much informations state us that a lot of mosques was incorrectly aiming to Qibla by shifting several point to right or left. So that we should collect data by research and correct the Qibla direction emmediately with good and appropriate treatment. Keyword: Qibla direction, performing prayer, Islamic law I. PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Masalah Menghadap ke arah Kiblat merupakan syarat sah shalat. Tidak ada perbedaan pendapat di kalangan para ulama mengenai hal ini baik di kalangan Sunni maupun Syi’i. Namun, dalam tataran praktis ummat Islam belum sepenuhnya mengamalkan syari’at tersebut seca...